Monday, January 01, 2018

PRONOUNCE IT PERFECTLY IN FRENCH (Second-Hand/Used-Available In Malaysia)


The Fab French Fanatic Forever is offering the following item for sale to serious buyers and collectors in Malaysia & beyond:

*Make yourself understood by learning to pronounce French with an authentic accent.
*Listen and learn the sounds of spoken French.  Imitate the style of French speech.
*French-speaking people will understand you better --- and you'll understand them better too!
*A book and two cassettes teach correct speaking methods to students, tourists, and business people.

This book-and-cassette program will train you to speak French with a command of nasal vowel sounds, pure vowels with or without a written accent mark, and many words containing unusual combinations and clusters of vowels with consonants.  Short and long dialogues for conversation will help you master intonation, accentuation, liaisons, linking, elisions, and rhythm when you speak French.

Title:  Pronounce It Perfectly In French (Book & Two 90-Minute Cassettes)
Author:  Christopher Kendris, Ph.D.
Publisher:  Barron's Educational Series, Inc.
Copyright:  1994
ISBN 0-8120-8038-6
Pages:  176

Condition:  VERY GOOD

For price inquiries:
Contact the Fab French Fanatic Forever @
The Fab French Fanatic Forever is based in Malaysia.

Only serious buyers and collectors will be entertained.

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